Manslaughter Charges Against Teenager Driver for Death of Rob Bramblett

Teenager Involved In Collision With Bramblett’s Charged With Manslaughter After Testing Positive For Marijuana
A New report from states that the teenage driver who caused the May 25th collision that resulted in the unfortunate deaths of Rod and Paula Bramblett was speeding at the time of the collision and tested positive for marijuana.
Auburn police announced Monday that Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s Traffic Homicide Unit found that the teenaged driver was driving over the 55 mph speed limit and that Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences found that marijuana was in the driver’s system after completing the toxicology report.
The teenager, who attends Lee Scott Academy, was charged with Manslaughter and taken in to custody at Lee County Jail where bond was set at $50,000.00.
Manslaughter in Alabama is defined in §13A-6-3 of the Alabama Code as “recklessly causing the death of another person” and is a Class B Felony that carries a prison sentence of two to twenty years in prison and up to $30,000.00 in fines.