What to Do After a Motorcycle Traffic Collision

Terrified victim of a traffic collision of motorcycle with a car and policeman

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, you may be shocked, disoriented, and concerned about what you should do next. This is a natural reaction, and that’s why the motorcycle accident lawyers at Stokes Stemle, LLC put together this step-by-step guide to help you navigate the hours, days, and weeks ahead.

  1. Call 911

    The first step after any motorcycle accident is to alert the authorities about what happened. You may have serious injuries, and you shouldn’t move unless absolutely necessary. Calling 911 will bring emergency medical personnel to the scene, as well as alerting police so they can begin a crash investigation.

  2. Do Not Remove Your Helmet or Gear

    Head injuries and spinal cord injuries are some of the most common and devastating injuries that result from motorcycle accidents. Even if you don’t feel like you have a head injury, your helmet may be protecting you from further harm. Your best bet is to keep your helmet and other protective gear on until emergency medical personnel arrive at the scene.

  3. Seek Medical Attention

    If you aren’t immediately taken to a hospital after the crash, make sure to see a doctor as soon as you can. Though you may not have obvious external injuries, it’s possible you have internal injuries that need to be treated as soon as possible to maximize your chances of a full recovery. Make sure to get a thorough evaluation so that all your injuries can be diagnosed, documented, and treated.

  4. Gather Evidence

    If possible, take pictures of the crash scene while you’re waiting for emergency medical personnel to arrive. Include pictures of your injuries, the damage to your motorcycle and the vehicle that hit you, nearby traffic signs, and any hazardous conditions that may have contributed to the crash. If there are any witnesses, make sure to get their contact information.

  5. Alert Your Insurance Company

    You should let your insurance company know about the accident as soon as you can, but your first priority is to get medical treatment. Once you’ve been taken to a hospital or seen a doctor, call your insurance company to report the incident. Give them the basic details about the crash – where, when, what happened, who was involved. Stick to the basic facts, and don’t agree to being recorded.

  6. Follow All Medical Advice

    Make sure to follow all the advice you’re given and stick to the prescribed terms of your treatment regimen. If you have any concerns about the treatment you’re receiving, talk to your doctor before taking any action. Failure to follow doctor’s orders not only puts your health at risk, but it can also jeopardize your insurance claim.

  7. Keep a Journal About Your Recovery

    Seeking full compensation for non-monetary losses like your pain and suffering is difficult without some sort of documentation. A journal can help illustrate how your recovery is progressing, as well as how the pain is impacting your quality of life. The more details you provide, the stronger the case you can make to the insurer or in court.

  8. Don’t Post on Social Media

    Never assume that anything you post on social media is private. Insurance companies and opposing lawyers will find a way to see your posts and try to use your pictures and statements against you. Twisting your words and taking things out of context are a tried-and-true tactics to try to shift fault for a motorcycle accident.

Contact an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Working with a motorcycle accident attorney can provide your best chance at getting fair compensation for your injuries. Call the motorcycle accident lawyers at Stokes Stemle, LLC today or visit our contact page for a free initial consultation.

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