National Teen Driver Safety Week

Father teaching teenager how to drive

Many of us remember the thrills of learning to drive as a teenager, but teen drivers are more likely to be involved in car accidents than drivers in other age groups. That’s why road safety advocates created National Teen Driver Safety Week, which runs from Oct. 17 to 23. The goal of the program is to educate teenage drivers about road safety.

Teen Driving Accident Statistics

Statistics show that car accidents involving teen drivers occur all too frequently in Alabama and across the United States:

  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens nationwide.
  • Data also shows drivers ages 16 to 20 lead all other age groups when it comes to car crashes.
  • In addition, federal crash statistics report that 2,042 people died in crashes involving teen drivers in a recent year.
  • In those fatal accidents, 45 percent of teenagers were not wearing seat belts.
  • Speeding is a top cause of fatal teen driving accidents.
  • Males are more likely to be involved in teen accidents than females.
  • Talking on the phone increases a teen’s risk of crashing by six times. Texting is worse, increasing the likelihood of a car accident by 23 times.

Alabama’s teen driving accident statistics are disturbing, too.

  • The Alabama Department of Transportation reports that there were 28,545 crashes involving teen drivers in a single year, including 97 fatal crashes.
  • Accidents involving teenagers for about 9.6 percent of all traffic crashes that same year.

Why Are Teen Driving Accidents So Common?

Several factors make accidents more common among teenagers, such as:

  • Inexperience — Teenage drivers haven’t been behind the wheel for very long, making them more prone to mistakes.
  • Distracted driving — Teens are more susceptible to distractions such as talking on the phone, texting while driving, adjusting the music, and eating.
  • Impaired driving — Many teenagers underestimate the dangers of drinking or using drugs before driving. This can lead teen drivers to get behind the wheel while they’re impaired, greatly increasing the chances of an accident.

How Can Parents Help Prevent Teen Driving Accidents?

Here’s how parents can help their teen driver stay safe on the road:

  • Set clear ground rules for allowing your teen driver behind the wheel.
  • Determine consequences and stick to them.
  • Set a good example for your teen driver.
  • Make sure your teenager has enough driving experience before hitting the roads alone.
  • Talk to your teen driver about the dangers of distracted driving and impaired driving.
  • Spend time in the car with your teen driver even after they’ve gotten their license

Hurt in a Teen Driving Accident in Alabama? Contact Our Montgomery Teen Driving Accident Lawyers Today

The Montgomery teen driving accident lawyers at Stokes Stemle, LLC have many years off experience dealing with teen driving accident cases. Let us help you pursue the compensation you’re owed after a collision. Contact our office today for a free initial consultation.

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