Types of Car Accidents
Car collisions happen every day. In 2017, there were over 50 thousand people were killed and 3.5 million injured out of a total 11.5 million reported car accidents according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Car accidents happen for a number of reasons, the most common of which in Montgomery, Alabama and the nation as a whole are negligent and careless driver who are simply not paying attention to what they are doing. Other major causes of accidents are speeding, driving while intoxicated, bad weather, poor road conditions and mechanical defects.
No matter how these accidents occur, the effects can be life-changing for those involved in the collisions and those that care for them as the victims struggle with painful (and sometimes long lasting injuries).
Stokes Stemle, LLC Has Experience In All Types Of Car Crash Cases
Our experienced legal team has fought for victims of motor-vehicle accidents in the Montgomery area similar to the one you or your loved one may have been involved in. The attorneys at Stokes Stemle – Personal Injury Attorneys use their knowledge and experience gained from specializing in assisting those injured in car accidents recover the maximum compensation they deserve. These type of accidents include:
- Multi-car Collisions: By far the most common type of collision are those involving one or more vehicle. In 2017 over 5 million passenger vehicles were involved in multi-car collisions. These type of collisions can happen anywhere and at anytime.
- Rear End Collisions: These types of collisions typically occur when a driver has to stop or slow down suddenly and the vehicle behind them is following too close or not paying attention to what is going on in front of him. Victims of rear-end collisions typically complain of whiplash, back and neck muscle trains and sometimes traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries
- Head-on Collisions: Head on collisions more often involve serious or even fatal injuries due to the violent nature of two vehicles, typically traveling at a high rate and speed and colliding in to each other. Typical injuries can include fractured bones, torn ligaments, concussions, severe muscle strain and spinal cord injuries.
- Side-impact Crashes: Side-impact collisions occur when a vehicle strikes the side of another car at an angle. These frequently happen at traffic signals when a vehicle runs a red-light or is unbale to stop, crashing into the side of another vehicle. These collisions often result in neck and back muscle stains or more serious spinal cord injuries.
- Side-Swipe Accidents: These collisions do not normally result in as severe injuries as the previous types of accidents covered, but can still be serious. These accidents typically occur when a car is changing lanes without paying attention or loses control of the vehicle, causing it to serve and hit other cars on the road,
- Hit and Run Accidents: When a driver collides with another vehicle and then leaves the scene of the accident, recovering for property damage or personal injury can be difficult. Many times if the driver of the vehicle can not be identified, a victim of a hit-and-run collision may still be able to recover for injuries and/or property damage depending on the specific type of coverage they have in their insurance policy. Typically, uninsured motorist coverage will allow you to make a claim for damages incurred from a hit-and-run. It is important to call the police and have a report made so that there is a better likelihood of identifying the at-fault party. Many times there must be a police report opening an uninsured motorist claim.
Speak to an Alabama Car Accident Lawyer Today
If you have been involved in any type of car accident, our experienced legal staff can investigate the incident, help you identify all available parties at fault and ensure you receive just compensation for your property damage and personal injuries. We have handled thousands of car accidents in Montgomery and throughout all of Alabama, and use the knowledge gained from this experience to fight for our client’s rights.
Call Stokes Stemle – Personal Injury Attorneys at (334) 316-4123 today for your free, no obligation consultation.